Channel Stats for #huntsvegas
Thursday, 21.09.2006, 00:14
(Next update 00:44)
Current channel information

Set by:  N/A
Modes:  +tn
Users:  Total: 1 (100%)
Opped: 1 (100%) Voiced: 0 (0%) Others: 0 (0%)

Nick Ident@Host Online Idle
. . . .

Peak: 12 users on 05.08.2003

Overall activity statistics

The graph is an activity indicator for #huntsvegas. It shows how many words are spoken within a certain timerange of the day. The bot is in timezone CST with offset 5. Time correction: +1

Timerange Words
. .
00:00-01:00 3050 (7.4%)
01:00-02:00 2551 (6.1%)
02:00-03:00 5844 (14.1%)
03:00-04:00 2634 (6.3%)
04:00-05:00 1853 (4.4%)
05:00-06:00 393 (0.9%)
06:00-07:00 770 (1.8%)
07:00-08:00 470 (1.1%)
08:00-09:00 518 (1.2%)
09:00-10:00 314 (0.7%)
10:00-11:00 540 (1.3%)
11:00-12:00 708 (1.7%)
12:00-13:00 879 (2.1%)
13:00-14:00 2237 (5.4%)
14:00-15:00 2071 (5.0%)
15:00-16:00 998 (2.4%)
16:00-17:00 1722 (4.1%)
17:00-18:00 2055 (4.9%)
18:00-19:00 2590 (6.2%)
19:00-20:00 2613 (6.3%)
20:00-21:00 599 (1.4%)
21:00-22:00 1468 (3.5%)
22:00-23:00 2792 (6.7%)
23:00-24:00 1516 (3.6%)

Total: 41.185 words (100%) since 05.08.2003
Brought to you by HSVBot