Other stats for #huntsvegas
Thursday, 21.09.2006, 00:14
(Next update 00:44)
Monitoring: yes
Started: 05.08.2003
Stopped: N/A

Top Visitors:

Rank Nick Time spent % (of total)
. . . .
1Hyper_Eye1y:214d:5h:27m 30.5%
2ChanServ1y:128d:17h:41m 26.0%
3Gomez-AFK202d:13h:23m 10.6%
4Hyper_Eye2101d:18h:23m 5.3%
5BuZZ_LiTeBeeR100d:20h:43m 5.3%

Total online time: 5y:68d:16h:37m (100%)

Top Idlers:

Rank Nick Time idle % (of total)
. . . .
1Hyper_Eye1y:214d:12h:7m 31.6%
2ChanServ1y:104d:1h:29m 25.5%
3Gomez-AFK200d:12h:12m 10.9%
4Hyper_Eye299d:16h:28m 5.4%
5BuZZ_LiTeBeeR94d:4h:13m 5.1%

Total idle time: 5y:8d:8h:55m (100%)

Top active users:

Rank Nick Active chatting % (of total)
. . . .
1ChanServ24d:16h:11m 40.9%
2BuZZ_LiTeBeeR6d:16h:30m 11.0%
3|CBW|-Zombie-4d:8h:16m 7.2%
4GodOfAllThingsSmallAndSquishy4d:1h:28m 6.7%
5Z-afk2d:16h:37m 4.4%

Total active chatting time: 60d:7h:42m (100%)

Top Kickers:

Rank Nick Kicks % (of total)
. . . .
1ChanServ15 48.3%
2Hyper_Eye6 19.3%
3|CBW|-Zombie-6 19.3%
4|CBW|Gomez-afkez3 9.6%
5Z-Finding_My_Desk1 3.2%

Total amount of kicks: 31 (100%)

Top Banners:

Rank Nick Bans % (of total)
. . . .
1ChanServ19 79.1%
2|CBW|-Zombie-3 12.5%
3Hyper_Eye1 4.1%
4AuDeSi1 4.1%

Total amount of bans: 32 (100%)

Most famous victims (Kicks):

Rank Nick Got kicked % (of total)
. . . .
1OmnipresentSpacecow13 40.6%
2af|emac|Fx5 15.6%
3|CBW-r|Spacecow3 9.3%
4|CBW|-Zombie-2 6.2%
5|CBW-r|Emac1 3.1%

Most famous victims (Bans):

Rank Nick Got banned % (of total)
. . . .
1af|emac|Fx4 100.0%

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